

Are negative thoughts holding you back from living your best life? Trick question. There’s hardly a person alive who hasn’t felt like their mind has been contributing to their struggles. If only it could be retrained, right? Let’s take a closer look at how our unique combination of neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP, and Greek philosophy can help you reach a state of euphoria. Whether you’re struggling with grief, anxiety, or self-worth, changing your mindset will significantly improve your quality of life.

What is NLP Coaching?
Neuro-linguistic programming was first developed by a linguist and a mathematician at the University of California. At its most basic, NLP looks at the way our language patterns reflect our thinking patterns. Since everything within our life experiences is subjective, we can turn those personal beliefs into positive thoughts. NLP takes a closer look at the structures behind our experiences. The tools within this type of coaching have been used by professionals in counseling, law, medicine, and business. Your most admired musicians, business people, and sports stars may be using NLP to achieve their goals.

NLP and Greek Teaching
Greek life is full of good food, beautiful cities, and philosophical teachings that rocked the world to its core. The Stoic philosopher Epictetus was born almost 2,000 years ago, and his ancient teachings affect our approach to wellness coaching to this day. Epictetus was born a slave and would go on to teach philosophy in Rome. Some of his teachings are focused around:
• What is in Our Control (and what isn’t): you can only control your actions. Everything outside of your actions is also out of your control. A decisive shift occurs when we learn to accept this fact of life and focus on ourselves and our behaviors.
• Self-Mastery: you must take steps to be master of your destiny and life. This is the ultimate way to discover freedom and success. A great small way to take action on this path? Cold showers!
• The Company You Keep: Have you heard the modern idea that you are the average of the five people you surround yourself with? This maxim originated with Epictetus, who believed that you must keep the company of those who uplift you and make you your best possible self.

Euphoric Wellness and Positive Mindset
The first step to creating lasting change is reaching a deeper understanding of ourselves. Through the Greek Version of NLP, we teach you to pursue your innermost goals and desires and to learn to disregard the little voice at the back of your head that says, “You can’t do it. You’ll never be good enough. Who are you kidding?” We will analyze your negative thought patterns during our work together and map out your understanding of the world. Once you have a firm idea of your conscious and unconscious mental processes, we can change them to align with your wellness goals.

Check out our innovative programs to discover the art of living and euphoria. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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